Canon Marketing Thailand has introduced “visumo”, an Instagram marketing tool we sell in the ASEAN market, as part of the promotion of the new Canon Mini Photo Printer. With the company’s website and social media in mind, without expanding large-sized budget advertising, how to expand awareness of the new Canon Mini Photo Printer product and connect it to conversion is a challenge. We proposed an Instagram marketing strategy using postings on SNS that have an influence on purchasing behavior.

Visumo is a tool that uses the photos posted on Instagram as the content of its website and leads to the conversion of the site.

1. Post photos posted by users on Instagram on the TOP page
2. Introduce user’s posted photos and product items
3. Link to product detailed page
We can easily search for photos including hashtags (#tags) posted by Instagram users from the admin screen of vismo, and apply for permission to use photos for the selected users. You will be able to easily link your company’s products and content related to and post them on your website. The analysis log for each photo allows you to understand and analyze visuals with good response from site visitors. As well as photos of products taken in-house, you can show more realistic products by Instagram users. For site visitors, the post-purchase image is easier to find and boosts the purchase.
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